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Year 6

'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'









Miss Edwards

My favourite book as a child was The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe because I loved the idea of escaping to a magical snow-covered land inhabited by mythical creatures, an evil queen and heroic children.









Mrs Hallam

The meeting for the residential at Kingswood will be held during Spring term . The date is to be confirmed.

Children in Year 6 will have PE every  Tuesday and Friday. To save on changing time, increase time in PE lessons and reduce clutter etc in corridors children should come to school in their PE Kit and school sweatshirt or jumper on that day. They will not need to bring their uniform to school.

PE kit must consist of: a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts; skort; joggers or leggings. All PE Kit must be non branded, no see through leggings and no tiny shorts- children will be offered a suitable kit to wear for lessons if they do not wear the correct kit. Please refer to the photo for examples.

PE kit.jpg

Reading regularly is very important in Year 6. Please support your child to read every day for 10 minutes. All children have a reading book and reading diary which should be signed each time your child reads.


They should also practice their times tables on Times tables Rock Stars for 5-10 minutes every day to develop their speed and confidence. Times tables are an essential part of mathematics in Year 6 as part of multiplication, division, fractions and percentages learning.

Homework is set weekly online each week on Purple Mash. The homework is set on Sunday and due in by Thursday. If you have any questions, please speak to an adult in Year 6.

Transition to secondary school information 2024









Mrs Carey

My favourite book as a child was Swallows and Amazons because I loved boating and I found the idea of children having adventures all by themselves exciting









Mrs Johnston

My favourite childhood book was Charlotte's Web because I loved the bond between a pig and a barn spider- an unlikely friendship that became a joyful story. Charlotte was a devoted friend who saved a life.

Call: 02476 382123             


Address: Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

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