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Year 4

'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'








Mrs Korzeniewski

My favourite book as a child was was Watership Down by Richard Adams.  I loved it because it was a story of rabbits (I had a pet rabbit called Flopsy) and the journey they had to go on to find a new home.  I liked Hazel the best, she was the unsung hero of the adventure. 









Mrs Ramzan

I enjoyed reading Roald Dahl books when I was younger! I loved the magic, mystery and adventure in each story as they allowed me to escape into a magical world of my own whilst reading. My favourite was Matilda as I loved how the children were able to use their knowledge and power collaboratively to achieve positive change in their school. The books made me believe anything was possible when children put their mind, body and soul into it

In Year 4, we are encouraging children to read every day. This is not only to increase reading skills such as decoding, fluency, comprehension and vocabulary but to encourage a love of reading. Please help us by signing and dating their Reading Diary each day.


We try and check Reading Diaries each day and children are encouraged to change their books if finished.  If they are in the middle of reading a book or have a book at home they want to read – make a note of that too.


Each child has a TTRS log in and a Spelling Frame log in – please encourage them to go on these at least twice a week.  You should have received a half termly spelling list – please practise spellings with your child at home.  If you need another list, to check log in details or anything else – please let us know.










Mrs Carreira

My favourite book as a child was Charlotte's Web because it was my escape into a funny yet  

beautiful world of unique friendship. Obviously, animals can't speak (my imagination was free to explore the possibility).

Homework is set weekly online each week on Purple Mash. The homework is set on Wednesday and due in by Tuesday. Spelling tests are on Wednesday. If you have any questions, please speak to an adult in Year 4.

P.E. is taught on Wednesday afternoon and swimming is on Friday morning. Please ensure your child has a complete P.E. kit for these lessons.

Year 4 Romans at The Lunt Fort 26/02/2024

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

This free activity exactly mirrors the 'Multiplication Tables Check' that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. There are twenty-five questions and children have six seconds to answer each question and three seconds between questions. Your child should be completing this every week (the questions will be different each time).

Search: mathsframe multiplication table check


Call: 02476 382123             


Address: Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

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