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Year 3

'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'

Homework is set weekly online each week on Purple Mash. The homework is set on Monday and due in by Saturday. If you have any questions, please speak to an adult in Year 3.

P.E. is taught on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child has a complete P.E. kit for these lessons.

Our class assembly will be on Thursday 7th December 2023









Miss Steptoe

My favourite book when I was a child was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. I loved this story because I liked the idea of visiting a chocolate factory but even more exciting to find the golden ticket hidden in a chocolate bar!









Mrs Thompson

My favourite book to read as a child was 

The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. My imagination could run wild with all the enchanted wood characters and amazing lands that appeared at the top of the tree.









Mrs Leigh

"My favourite book as a child was Stig of the Dump because the little boy was all on his own. I would empathise with how he was feeling."









Mrs Cooke

"My favourite book as a child was The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton.  I loved the fact that there was a slide from the top to the bottom of the Magic Faraway Tree and that the children were always having a different adventure!"


Call: 02476 382123             


Address: Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

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