Health and Wellbeing
Mrs Lusty
Pastoral Manager, Safeguarding and Senior Mental Health lead
Miss Rouse
Learning Mentor, Online Safety, Safeguarding and Youth Mental Health First Aider
Pastoral Support
Our Pastoral Team is made up of our Pastoral Manager - Mrs Lusty and Learning Mentor - Miss Rouse, along with guinea pigs Oreo and Hobnob. Mrs Lusty and Miss Rouse have their own pastoral email address, a confidential email address which families can email to get help and advice from the pastoral team.
HAF - The holiday activities and food programme is for school aged
children in full time education from reception to Year 11 (inclusive),
who receive benefits related free school meals. The programme
offers valuable support to families on lower incomes, giving young
people the opportunity to access activities with a healthy meal provision
over the main school holidays at Christmas, Easter and Summer