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Wellbeing Team 








Mrs Lusty

Pastoral Manager, Safeguarding and Senior Mental Health lead








Miss Rouse

Learning Mentor, Online Safety, Safeguarding and Youth Mental Health First Aider


Pastoral Support

Our Pastoral Team is made up of our Pastoral Manager - Mrs Lusty and Learning Mentor - Miss Rouse, along with guinea pigs Oreo and Hobnob. Mrs Lusty and Miss Rouse have their own pastoral email address, a confidential email address which families can email to get help and advice from the pastoral team. 

CASS Community Autism Support Service run an fortnightly online workshop for parents/ carers. They are really useful workshops that can support ANY parent and not just parents with children who have autism. They take place online every fortnightly Tuesday at 7pm-8pm with themes such as ‘After school meltdowns’, ‘Sibling rivalry’ and ‘Screen addiction’. To access a workshop you can book on the Event Bright page- please follow the link. If you have any difficulties booking onto a workshop please ask to see Miss Rouse or Mrs Lusty who will help you.

SLEEP - Tips and techniques for families who have a child with a brain 

Click on the hyperlink for your free download guide: Sleep Tips Booklet

Activities to help children sleep:

HAF - The holiday activities and food programme is for school aged

children in full time education from reception to Year 11 (inclusive),

who receive benefits related free school meals. The programme

offers valuable support to families on lower incomes, giving young

people the opportunity to access activities with a healthy meal provision

over the main school holidays at Christmas, Easter and Summer














Call: 02476 382123             


Address: Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

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