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Special Events

Christmas 2024

Our children in Key Stages 1 and 2 performed two fantastic Carol Services at All Saints Church and in school for their parents, click on the link to view the video of their final rehearsal:

To mark the Christian Celebration of Christmas, we invited our families into school to enjoy Christmas Dinner with the children across two days. Special thanks to our amazing kitchen staff and midday supervisors, we couldn't do it without you.


Take a look at our Christmas Dinner photographs below.


Easter 2024

To mark the Christian Celebration of Easter, lots of children brought in their hand crafted Easter creations these were either am Easter bonnet or hat, an Easter Garden or a decorated hard boiled egg. We welcome our families into school on Thursday 21st March a for the Easter Parade.

We drew the Easter Raffle after our parade.

On Monday 18th March some of our children visited Acorn Lodge care home for Easter Crafts with some of their residents.

On Wednesday 20th March, Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had an Easter Egg Hunt raising over £250!  Year 1 found 121eggs, reception found 133, year 2 found 137. Year 2 received extra playtime for their efforts.

Friday 22nd to end the Spring Term iSingPOP visited for a day of celebrating Lent with lots of singing. 

Take a look at our Easter Celebration photographs below.

The Easter Story displays were created by key stage 1 and key stage 2 classes

to represent each part of Holy Week.

Parents were invited to come and view them and read about the six parts of this special event that is very important to Christians. 

Ramadan 2024

To mark the Islamic festival of Ramadan in school, we had a visit from one of our parents who is a member of the local Islamic community. Our visitor came in and shared information about Ramadan with a group of children from across the whole school. The children and adults learnt about the traditions of this special time of year for Muslims. This was a fantastic experience and a wonderful opportunity to exchange cultural knowledge and develop children's understanding of a world faith. Respect for, and tolerance towards other people and their views are two of the fundamental British values that we teach children in school. It was heartwarming to see our children demonstrate these values as they worked together in the group. 


Have a look at the photos below and click on the video

to watch and listen to the Ramadan song.

World Book Day 7th March 2024


From The World Book Day Website:

World Book Day was created by UNESCO on 23rd April 1995 as a worldwide celebration of books and reading. World Book Day is marked in over 100 countries around the globe. The first World Book Day in the UK and Ireland took place in 1997 to encourage young people to discover the pleasure of reading. As World Book Day founder, Baroness Gail Rebuck, recalls “We wanted to do something to reposition reading and our message is the same today as it was then – that reading is fun, relevant, accessible, exciting, and has the power to transform lives.” 

To celebrate World Book Day, children in Year 5 and Year 6 make props to tell stories to our nursery and reception children. Children and staff from Nursery through to year 4 dressed up as characters from some of our favourite nursery rhymes and fairy tales. have a look at the photographs.

Call: 02476 382123             


Address: Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

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