School Council
Have a look at all the fantastic work the School Council have been doing for our school.
Our School Council are children who put themselves forward for election by their classmates in September. They have to state why they will be good councillors and what they will do for the school. The children in the class vote for who they want to represent them. School Council meet on a regular basis to share ideas.
We have had some fantastic successes with fundraising this year, totalling over £2000!
Each term there has been a 'Staff Raffle' which have raised £790;
School Council also arranged a Pyjama Day which raised just over £102.50;
Our Easter Egg hunt raised £250 thanks to families supporting children in nursery, reception, year 1 and year 2;
Last year the children in the upper school really enjoyed their sponsored run, they wanted to do it again this year. Thank you to the families and friends of children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 we have raised over £1123! This is amazing
These funds were used towards the purchase of Playground Gym Equipment (partially subsidised by Tesco), plants and pots for the entrance of the school, a class set of Djembe Drums and plants and planters for our Sensory Courtyard.
The school council have written new Pupil Friendly Behaviour & Lunchtime Behaviour Policies as well as a child friendly child protection policy.