Nursery Admissions
'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'
How do I apply for a Nursery place at All Saints Primary School?
Admission Arrangements
Children can start nursery the term after their 3rd birthday but you can apply for a Nursery place at
any time. All applications must be done through the school office.
We have space for 26 full time places, these will be split in to part time morning and afternoon
places. Some of the 26 places will be full-time places for those in receipt of 30 hours funding.
You will not receive a priority by applying early. Places are not offered on a first come/ first served basis. If you have a preference for a morning or afternoon place, or qualify for a full-time place for your child, you should state this on your application form. We cannot offer a full-time place unless you are in receipt of 30 hours funding. We will do all we can to be flexible to meet your preferences. Your application will be considered using the criteria set out below.
An induction visit to our Nursery setting to meet the staff is necessary, as part of the application process.
Admissions Criteria:
If there are more applications for Nursery places than there are places available, the places will be offered in the following order of priority:
Children with a sibling in the Primary School.
Places requested by partner agencies eg. Social Services/ external agency referrals.
Other children
A few places may be reserved for children with an educational, medical or social need. The Headteacher will consider the child's needs or circumstances, supporting evidence from our professionals, and the availability of nursery classes in neighbouring schools when making a decision.
Further information:
A part time place is a 3 hours session, Monday to Friday, during term time. A full time place is 6 hours, Monday to Friday, during term time, plus lunch time. Children attending full time Nursery can order a school lunch ( subject to charge, unless your child is entitled to free school meals, call 01926 359189 to apply), or your child may prefer to bring a healthy packed lunch.
We encourage you to bring our child to Stay and Play sessions here at the school before they start Nursery, this will help to familiarize them with the school.
For More information, to visit the school or to apply for a place for your child, you are welcome to contact the Headteacher at the school, or on 024 7638 2123.
Did you know that you may be able to get up to 30 hours per week Free childcare
for 38 weeks per year for your 3 to 4 year old?
If you:
Are a two parent family, are both working and each earn the equivalent of 16 hours per week, paid at the national living wage.
You each earn less than £100,000 per year.
You are a single parent, are working and earn the equivalent of 16 hours per week paid at the national living wage.
You earn less than £100,000 a year.
If you have answered yes to either of the above questions, then you could be eligible to apply!
For further information or to apply, please go to:
If you have any further queries contact the school office, or telephone us on 02476 382123
New to Nursery Induction Information can be found in the 'Nursery Class' page.
Please contact Miss Clayton in the school office