Spring Term 1
'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'
During this topic we will also be exploring the local area and taking a walk to the woods to try and find the bear. We will also learn about sounds in nature and use instruments to retell stories and songs. We will share our favourite bears and enjoy a teddy bears picnic together. During this topic, we will share our special times in our RE unit, making links to Christmas, Chinese New Year and our birthdays.
The Gingerbread Man
We will also be learning the traditional tale ‘The Gingerbread Man’. A version of this can be accessed below via the link below:
Should we go on a bear hunt?
In nursery this half term we are learning all about bears! Our key book will be ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. This can be accessed below via the link below:
We will also read Five Bears by Catherine Raynor.
Five Bears is a tale of friendship, looking past differences and acceptance.