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Happy Lunchtimes

Table of Awesomeness

On the last day before the half term holiday will had our very first lunchtime Table of Awesomeness. A handful of children who have behaved consistently AWESOME at lunchtimes by following the school rules and living by the school values all received a special invitation to the TABLE OF AWESOMENESS.

This will happen at the end of each half term.

Pupil Voice

We asked the children to share their thoughts about lunchtimes at All Saints.

Some of the things the children would like to keep about lunchtimes are the Peer Mediators, Play Leaders, Singing Playgrounds, The Quiet Area, VIP table and Buddy Bench.

What they would like to see change are: a quieter and calmer dinner hall; better table manners from all children; more thoughtful behaviour towards each other; more time to resolve conflicts and more variety on the playground.

We have listened and we aim to deliver.

Happy Lunchtimes.

Steve from ‘Happy Lunchtimes’ paid a visit to the school to deliver some training on how to make our lunchtimes ‘Happy’. Steve met the whole school in assembly, met with the school Senior Leadership Team, the School Council and then wowed the children at lunchtime with music and interactive dance routines alongside the button stacking challenge and construction zone.

From that training we will be making a few changes to our lunchtimes. The first change is the implementation of 'The Zone'.

The Zone

We recognise that each and every one of us is unique. We all have different likes and dislikes and tend to have preferred types of play. School playgrounds are often great places for children who enjoy sport and more energetic play but can sometimes lack appeal to children who prefer something different.

We aim to give our children the opportunity to try different styles of play such as; creative play, active play, competitive play, quiet play, construction play, cooperation play and imaginative play. This is where 'The Zone' comes in.

'The Zone' is a place where everyone is welcome to come and play. Each day a different activity will be delivered in 'The Zone' led by our Midday Supervisors. So far the children have enjoyed drawing race tracks with chalk and racing model cars, having a dance with music, challenging themselves to hit the target and competed in the ‘Rock, paper, scissors’ Race. The children are so excited to participate in the fun activities, which take place in 'The Zone' planned and delivered by the dedicated midday supervisors.

We plan to reward the children who make good choices, are considerate of others and cooperate well with others.


Happy Lunchtime Award

Each midday supervisor will choose a child each week who they feel has shown our school values at lunchtimes. This will be celebrated in our Celebration Assembly on a Monday.

PomPom Challenge/Golden Lunchbox

Each time the lunchtime adults sees a child being thoughtful of others, including others in their play, using good table manners, being respectful and following instructions, being courageous and trying something new, showing kindness and good friendship skills, being a good sportsman and celebrating others win they will be rewarded with a PomPom.

In our Celebration Assembly every Monday it will be revealed which class has the most PomPoms and wins the Golden Lunchbox. As winners of the Golden Lunchbox they will enjoy a mystery reward in class with the Golden Lunchbox Class Award.


To help with a quieter and calmer dinner hall we have introduced a Noise-o-meter which will help the children recognise what an appropriate noise level is when sitting at the table to eat. If the children succeed at earning their dinner hall golden stars they will receive extra playtime each week.

If you would like to know more about our Happy Lunchtimes take a look at our assembly PowerPoint and the weekly photos of all the fun we are having.

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