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'Learning for life, building a firm foundation.'

"'Music brings us together, helping us reflect upon who we are, where we have come from, and what lies ahead.’ The arts and music transcend ‘languages, cultures, and borders’ … and helps ‘exchange ideas and styles and share in the artistic vibrancy born from diverse experiences and traditions.’

                                                           Barack Obama


Why we teach your child Music:

Our aim is to give children a stimulating and exciting musical curriculum that provides them with the opportunities to explore, create, perform, and listen to music from a diverse musical heritage. Music gives the child the opportunity to express themselves through singing and performing individually and collaboratively. Music is a powerful form of communication that can change the ways pupils feel, think and act. Listening to and performing music fulfils a vital human need for self-expression and creativity. Music can transcend cultures, abilities and generations and provide a common language to communicate together..  

How we teach music:

We recognise that music is a creative and inspiring subject and ensure that we provide opportunities for children to embrace all aspects of musical learning. Weekly music lessons are planned for all pupils that enable children to develop their musical skills including:

  • using a range of tuned and untuned instruments.

  • listening to and responding to music from a wide range of cultures and historical periods

  • composing and performing music

  • singing in classes and as a school

What our curriculum looks like:


In EYFS, through the Early Learning Goal ‘Expressive Arts and Design’, pupils are introduced to the expressing themselves through music. Pupils learn traditional rhymes and songs as well as exploring the songs from different cultures. Pupils are encouraged to explore musical instruments with purpose and control and develop rhythmic movements to music.



In Key Stage 1, pupils develop an understanding of composing, performing, listening to music and singing. They are provided with purposeful opportunities to play tuned and untuned instruments and discuss the compositions they create using musical vocabulary. Pupils are encouraged to sing in classes, as part of the school and in a singing festival with other schools.


In Key Stage 2, pupils further develop their skills in playing tuned instruments through termly ukulele lessons. Composing and performing skills are further developed throughout these years. Pupils are taught to record their compositions using graphic notation and western notation (the use of musical notes and treble clef).

Throughout the year, children will participate in school concert at Christmas in which they will retell the nativity Story. During Key stage 1 and 2, pupils will perform songs with other schools at singing festivals. pupils will also have the opportunity to listen to music performed by amateur and professional ensembles.

How you can help your child at home:

There are lots of ways in which you can support your child with their musical learning at home.

·     Encourage them to listen to a wide range of pop and classical music.

·     If they are learning a musical instrument, encourage them to practice at home.

·     Talk about how different types of music make you feel.

Further support and useful websites to support your child at home:

These are the 'Golden Threads' which run throughout our music curriculum.

Call: 02476 382123             


Address: Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

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