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All Saints CE Primary School and Nursery

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Learning for life - building a firm foundation

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Our next teacher training day is on Friday 11th April.

Easter holidays are from Monday 

Please check the 'Dates for your Diary' page for all other important dates.










Click on the link below to watch our Christmas Carol Service performance

For photographs of Christmas Dinner Days 2024, please visit our Special Events page.


                                                                          We live, learn and grow by following the                                                                                            wise builder’s example. This inspires us to                                                                                          listen to guidance and learn from mistakes.                                                                                      At All Saints, we prioritise building                                                                                                      self-esteem so that everyone can flourish.                                                                                         Upon firm foundations, we live learn and                                                                                           grow together, no matter where our journeys          start.

Call: 02476 382123             


Address: Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

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